932. The height of triangle


The area of triangle is S. The length of its base is a greater than its height. Find the height of triangle.


Input. Two integers: S (0 < S ≤ 100) and a (|a| ≤ 100).


Output. Print the height of triangle with two digits after the decimal point.


Sample input

Sample output

15 1





geometry - elementary


Algorithm analysis

Let h be the height of triangle. Then its base is h + a. The area of the triangle is S = ½ h (h + a). The values of S and a are given, solve the quadratic equation for h:

h2 + ha – 2S = 0,

discriminant D = a2 + 4S,

the positive root is h =


Algorithm realization

Read the input data. Solve the quadratic equation S = ½ h (h + a) for h and take its positive root.


scanf("%lf %lf",&s,&a);

d = a*a + 8*s;

h = (-a + sqrt(d)) / 2;



Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    double s = con.nextDouble();

    double a = con.nextDouble();


    double d = a * a + 8 * s;

    double h = (-a + Math.sqrt(d)) / 2;







Python realization


import math

s, a = map(float,input().split())

d = a*a + 8*s;

h = (-a + math.sqrt(d)) / 2;

print("%.2f" %h)